Wednesday, March 14, 2012



When the morning sun rises,
I wake with fresh feelings…
To start a lovely day
beyond the sun shine,
the swaying flowers….
the smell of the fresh green grass
adrift in the wind……..

With a fresh feeling
to see my friend,
my best friend,
to see her laugh like the wind
sway like flowers,
shine like the sun
fresh like the grass.

With nature’s beauty on her……
which I expect to see, to feel, to touch
I want to tell her lots exciting,
expressing, how much I love
that smile she smiles
the hug she hugs
and the fresh morning kiss….
wih all the lave she loves me

Together we skip along
miles together, hours together….
holding hands, never to be left alone..
through the seething beauty of the birds
singing aloud with us
with the squirrels picking nuts..
the crows looking for tit-bits
the sheep bleating, enjoying their morning feed….

the shepherd dogs stretching out in the sun
the hens clucking away to delight..
with little chickens clinging on to their mothers…

Skipping with joy, along the cattle fields..
we finally reach our favourite
that big old, old, oldy tree
with its huge trunk supporting
hundreds of branches, millions of leaves and lives….

There, sitting together, me with
my best of the best friends
under its shade….
away from all the chores…
and stress and pain.
into the World, I share with her…a moment
chatting, playing, laughing away to glory…

Those were times I never
could forget….
Now everything has turned upside down,
No more is she with me, no more am I with her.
To share those wonderful times all over again,
Everything drips in silence…
Oh! How I wish she would be
There… with me… now!

How I wish she hadn’t gone,
without me.. to the person above…
still I love her… I always will love her,
and remain as her best friend forever
and ever and ever………….

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