Sunday, April 1, 2012



Actions are one's deeds,
The result that one seeds
It may be good or be bad,
Makes us happy or sad!

An action can change the way anything is,
Putting nothing at all amiss...
An action however small,
May end up preventing a big fall!

Smile, an action so well accepted,
A frown always badly intercepted!
Kiss, an action of love and pure joy,
Enough to create sparks between a girl and boy!

 A pat of congrats,  handshake of glory..
Some action that we always remember and never be sorry..
A brutal kick, even harder push,
Enough to make our heart go around the bush!

Its ok, says a hug,
A lovable lick from a pug
An action makes all the differences we need,
The lift or lack of confidence it does feed!

An action of instance may be the worst or best,
An action may increase or put a problem to rest..
An action may  give the nation a jolt,
An action so soft or strong as that of thunder-bolt!

An action it is every minute..
Only the good we need to see in it…!!!